A solution that stimulates and supports existing social organizations in providing digital skills lessons to hard-to-reach people, such as the homeless, vulnerable youngsters or the elderly.
The tools
Inspirational guide
Going Mobile
Many initiatives already exist in order to help people improve their digital skills. But for some people the threshold to go to classical learning offers is too big.
By making use of mobile outreaching - the process where disadvantaged people are actively approached with offerings to learn - MobiDig aims at providing people the opportunity to learn at their own pace, all while being part of a community.
We want to make sure that we can provide them with the best learning experience in their own environment with the comfort they need. Outreaching inspires your audience to feel free to learn.
Because of the need to go mobile, you should also think about how you will arrange your transportation. To decide on the means you will use, you should reflect on the perimeter where you want to go mobile, the distances, the ecological footprint and a safe and sturdy protection for transporting your workshop materials.
Uplevelling classes
To be able to work with this audience, you will have to be able to engage and retain them. It is crucial for a successful, productive and informative session.
But, gaining and retaining students focus and enthusiasm can be tricky sometimes. That is where tools come in handy. The tool consists of 2 components that are complementary in use: a digital MobiDig app with a student and teacher’s interface, and a physical Hiveboard.
With the MobiDig app students can learn and practice at their own pace. The Hiveboard is appealing, interactive and helps visualize the individual or group progress. It can also be used for a quick quiz or evaluation, for defining the learning path and much more.
These tools prove to be a useful and fun addition to the standard learning environment for both teachers and students. The app improves the sense of ownership at the participants side and the Hiveboard stimulates interaction and group spirit.
We strongly believe that mobile outreaching is the way forward to include the most fragile people in our society.
Every new technology brings new concepts with their jargon and new habits. Some people experience digital stress and fear for the unknown. They are sometimes ashamed to ask for help and are not aware of the existing learning offer.
These are divisive elements in the digital revolution that make every person in society a digital “in” or “out”.
Not everyone is on board, and this limits their participation in society and access to their rights.
Lots of initiatives already exist in order to help people improve the digital skills of vulnerable ones. However the threshold is sometimes too big for some of them to go to these learning initiatives themselves.
They need to be addressed in their own familiar and safe environment.
That is why we came up with MobiDig, a solution that stimulates and supports existing social organizations in providing digital skills lessons to hard-to-reach people on location.
The Hiveboard is an appealing and interactive led board that can be put in the classroom or used outside. It helps visualise the individual or group progress. It can also be used for a quick quiz or evaluation, for defining the learning path, tracking progress of exercises that can be linked to rewards and much more.
It offers support to your existing course sessions and gives them the ‘wow-factor’ needed to motivate and engage your audience.
With the MobiDig app students can learn and practice at their own pace, by completing challenges. They can see their progress and go to a new challenge to complete a certain theme like for instance getting started with itsme.
The app is connected to the Hiveboard, bringing together and visualizing the contribution and progress of the students.
Inspirational guide
This inspiration guide is the result of the input and experience of 5 social organizations that have acted as a pilot during the development of MobiDig.
It will explain you the steps to take to extend your activities with MobiDig and to enhance your outreaching activities to vulnerable people.
It can also be of help when applying for project subsidies to estimate the implementation of MobiDig.
Associations willing to get in
touch with you
MobiDig has been created by a working group of DigitAll composed of BNP Paribas Fortis, Proximus, CTG Circular
and VRT. It has been tested and improved by 5 social organizations - Digidak, Hobo, Interface3.Namur, Le monde
des possible & Link in the Kabel. They are highly convinced of their outreaching methods and are motivated to
introduce new associations to the MobiDig methodology.
If you would like to get in touch with them, do not
hesitate to reach out!
How did MobiDig reinvent
their trainings?