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Open letter / Lettre ouverte / Open brief

Asbl status, new members, appeal to politicians: DigitAll reaches another milestone in its history

In an open letter, 64 CEOs and senior managers from DigitAll members call on the next coalition to make digital inclusion a real priority.


DigitAll: 100 organisations unite against the widening digital divide in Belgium

DigitAll is launching again an awareness campaign this year to put the digital divide back on the agenda

DigitAll: 100 organisations unite against the widening digital divide in Belgium


Improving digital skills in the workplace.

Improving digital skills in the workplace.

There are persistent misunderstandings when it comes to digital skills in companies. In conversations with business leaders, I find time and again that they systematically overestimate digital skills in their company. 


 Digital Inequalities

Digital Inequalities and the Sustainable Development Goals

When the United Nations launched the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, they presented a roadmap to guide development work until 2030 – a roadmap towards the Future we Want.


Youth & digitalisation

Youth & digitalisation

In Belgium, 33% of young people aged between 16 and 24 are in a situation of digital vulnerability, all social categories taken together. This percentage rises to 47% for young people with only a lower secondary education.


Digital ageism

Digital ageism

Digital technology has transformed our daily life. Many tasks that previously had to be done in person can now be done using the smartphone. This means that growing old is no longer the same as it was 30 years ago. What does ageing mean in a more digital world? 
