Open letter / Lettre ouverte / Open brief

Asbl status, new members, appeal to politicians: DigitAll reaches another milestone in its history


As it celebrates its fourth anniversary, DigitAll has reached a new milestone by adopting ASBL non-profit status. DigitAll – an initiative launched by BNP Paribas Fortis in 2020, joined by Proximus one year later, to improve digital inclusion in Belgium – has grown constantly and now has more than 120 partners. These include private-sector companies, public-sector entities and other social organisations. VOKA, Amazon, Akkanto and North Sea Port are some of those that have recently joined the DigitAll ecosystem, which is the only one of its kind in Belgium. In an open letter, 64 CEOs and senior managers from DigitAll members call on the next coalition to make digital inclusion a real priority.

Filing a tax return, buying a ticket to an event, making a medical appointment, contacting a government department or an after-sales service department: our society is becoming increasingly electronic, but those who struggle with technology are increasingly lost in the digital jungle.

Contrary to popular belief, older people are not the only ones affected. As the King Baudouin Foundation mentions in its most recent report on digital inclusion , 40% of Belgians are currently “digitally vulnerable”. They are exposed to the risk of digital exclusion because they do not have the means to go online and lack digital skills, which can give rise to stress or simply a fear of the unknown. 

The digital revolution will not wait

Digital technologies are intended to make life easier for everyone. Despite their good intentions, however, they can quickly turn into an ordeal for some people. DigitAll has been tackling this phenomenon since 2020.

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, which accelerated the digital revolution in many sectors, BNP Paribas Fortis was concerned about the divide between those on board the digital train and those left behind. DigitAll was created to address this issue.

During the pandemic, in September 2021, Belgium’s Deputy Prime Minister Petra De Sutter, around 30 private-sector companies – including Accenture – and social organisations joined the project and signed a charter containing nine commitments aimed at bridging the digital divide.

Michael Anseeuw (CEO of BNP Paribas Fortis): “Bridging the digital divide is essential to achieve a fairer, more dynamic and more resilient society. It is a vital way of ensuring that all citizens can take part fully in our country’s  economic and social life. It was therefore important for DigitAll to take the next step by adopting its new status and sending an open letter to those forming the next government.” 

Petra De Sutter (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration, Public Enterprises and Telecommunications in the outgoing government): “To face the challenges of the digital age, collaboration is a great asset. By working together, we can bridge the digital divide and ensure that every citizen has equal access to technology, education and opportunities. I am very happy to see that DigitAll is striving to bring together public, private, social and academic stakeholders, each with their unique role and expertise.

Guillaume Boutin (CEO of Proximus): “As a technology company contributing to Belgium's digital infrastructure, we want to make sure that increasing digitalisation benefits every citizen and business. Through our commitment in the DigitAll coalition, we want to allow people to thrive in the digital society and ensure nobody is left behind. With this new step in its evolution, DigitAll more and more becomes a key stakeholder in this debate.

Kristof Lambert (Country Managing Director, Accenture Belux): “Accenture is joining forces with DigitAll to support digital inclusion in Belgium. Digital transformation is part of our DNA and we strive for digital inclusion in all our projects in collaboration with our clients and ecosystem partners. We strongly believe that digital inclusion will drive for social inclusion and for a society which is more resilient, dynamic and fair. With this partnership and collaboration with non- profit organizations, private and public companies, we believe that we can learn from each other and increase our impact on digital inclusion.

2024: a turning point

The number of signatories to DigitAll’s charter reached 100 in June 2023. Just 11 months later, keen to secure its long-term future and get the ambassadors of its ecosystem more involved, DigitAll reached a new milestone, transforming itself from a coalition of businesses and organisations into an ASBL non-profit organisation in May 2024. With nine new signatories (North Sea Port, VOKA, Amazon, Akkanto, HOWEST, Goomyx, UPOP and All Digital), including some major players in the Belgian and global economy, DigitAll is now registered with Belgium’s register of incorporated entities (Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises), with all the obligations that come with that, such as having an administrative body and holding an AGM.

DigitAll’s first action in its new form was to draft an open letter, jointly signed by the CEOs of 64 of its partners. The aim is clear: to ensure that its recommendations are on the agenda of the talks currently being held for Belgium’s future federal and regional governments.

Download the open letter

*  "Baromètre 2024 de l’inclusion numérique" ( / "Barometer van de digitale inclusie 2024" (, King Baudouin Foundation (only available in French & Dutch)